Alphabet Soup Meme
Alphabet Soup Meme
A. Attached or Single?Married. We just had our one year anniverary. Loving it!!
B. Best Friend? In addition to my sisters, who are also best friends, I have three: Becky, Anne, and Audrey. No matter how much time goes by, those three will always be kindred spirits.
C. Cake or pie? Cake. Carrot cake is my current favorite, but I love even the most generic of cakes. It's cake, for gosh sakes. Who doesn't like it?
D. Day of choice? That's tough. It used to be Friday for sure because the week was over and the whole weekend was stretching out in front of me. But now that we drive to Palm Springs every Friday, it might be Saturday. I love my new kitchen!! And the pool of course.
E. Essential item? Coffee. Must have.
F. Favorite color? Probably either blue or red. I love them both.
G. Gummy bears or worms? Between the two, worms. I would rather have cake though.
H. Home town? I claim Warrenton, VA as my hometown. I was born in Richmond though.
I. Favorite indulgence? Booze. Wine usually -- really good wine. Sometimes Vodka tonics on the weekends. Occasionally Corona with lime wedges in the pool. I know it's not good for me or my metabolism. I guess that is why it is an "indulgence"
J. January or July? July for sure. Height of summer is my second favorite time of the year. Christmas holiday is my ultimate fav. January is my LEAST favorite time of year. It's so "get back into work mode."
K. Kids? Not yet. Hopefully in the next five years.
L. Life isn’t complete without? David. I feel... lonely and sad when we are apart. Everything is more fun, more interesting, and more engaging when he is with me.
M. Marriage date?5/27/2007
N. Number of brothers and sisters? From my original family, four sisters and three brothers. Now, there are is an additional stepsister, two stepbrothers, and a half sister.
O. Oranges or Apples? Unless it's in a pie, I would probably pick Oranges. Kind of a mood thing though.
P. Phobias? Car accidents. this is LA after all, and fatal accidents clog our freeways daily. Airplane accidents too. I hate to fly. Fear of the dark. Everything bad happens either at night or when you can't see anything. I have a lot of these, but I will abbreviate the list and end with those.
Q. Quotes? Eleanor Roosevelt. "No one can make you feel inferior without your permission."
R. Reasons to smile? Sunny afternoons. A big, loving family. Having finally gotten to an age where I am less plagued by self-doubt that ever before (which doesn't mean not at all -- just less than before). Friends, both old and new. And of course the antics of my incredibly funny husband.
S. Season of choice. Fall. Birthdays, Thanksgiving, and Christmas prep. Crisp air outside and bakery-scented air inside.
T. Tag 5 people. I think everyone has already done this.
U. Unknown fact about me? I'm kind of an open book, actually. Or at least I feel like I am. But surely I can come up with something, right? How about this: while I have never ever had the guts to get up and sing karoke, when I imagine it in my head (usually while driving) I am a ROCKSTAR.
V. Vegetable? Squash. All kinds. Yellow, Zuchini, Butternut. Mmmm.
W. Worst habit? I use my forefinger to pick at the skin of my thumb when I am deep in thought, agitated, or anxious. I have a perpetual sore there and my cuticle is permenantly ruined. I get chastized at manicures. I have tried to stop and can't seem to.
X. Xray or Ultrasound? I had my neck xrayed once. Apparently I don't have enough reverse curvature, which I guess is pretty common. It led to me having ultrasound therapy on my back to supposedly relieve the tension. So the answer is both? I'm not sure I understood the question. Can you use it in a sentence please?
Y. Your favorite food? Are we really going to open this pandora's box? Food is my favorite. But if forced to narrow it down, I will make a small list: Spaghetti, Pizza, French Fries, Cheese Enchiladas, Tacos, Burritos, Fajitas, Hot Wings, Cheese sticks, Bacon, Chips and Salsa, Guacamole, all kinds of Cheese, loaded up salads with everything, Brownies & Cheetoes. Many of those things I never eat anymore, but this heart is not a fickle one and love is love, despite absence.
Z. Zodiac sign? Vigro. Yes, I'm a demanding perfectionist and completely anal about the way everything is supposed to be and go all the time. I try to be mellow, but it's very difficult.
I love it! :) Thanks for indulging me. You're the best.
Fun. I forget you come from such a large family. I'll have to pester you with questions about growing up in your family and share all my insecurities about raising well-loved children. And my anal Virgo tendencies must be hidden somewhere, because they only emerge in very particular circumstances.
I hope, hope, hope I get to see you soon!
I love your answers... very witty as always. And yeah, I was just thinking about you being one of my best friends too. Tender:)
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